A World Without You???

Imagine a world without cleaners, the world will simply be a pile of rubbles. Imagine a world without doctors, the world will simply be full of sick people. Imagine a world without teachers, the world will be full of ignorant people moping around without direction.Imagine a world without technology enthusiasts, the world will keep being in the stone age.

Yes imagine, just imagine…

A world without trees and flowers…
A world without oceans and islands…
A world without water…
A world without air…
A world without mountains and hills…

I can go on and on and on… You see the truth is a world without all those things mentioned above, will simply be a chaotic world. Everyone has a purpose to fufill, a mission to achieve, an assignment to complete, a place to fill.

God is a God of purpose and designed everything in line with purpose. Nothing created is useless. Its worth may not be known but that doesnt make it useless.As useless, as sand appears, it is the source of Silicon used in making the processors used by phones, computers and many electronic devices.

Let it sink in today, you are a creature of purpose. You are not accident, You are not a mistake. No! You’re not, you are a creature of purpose! All we need to do is to connect with God and discover our purpose from Him. He made us and He alone can know why He made us. Once you get your purpose, start making plans and when you’re done making plans, start pursuing. You dont know how much you are worth until you start using what God has given you.

Read, train, develop, grow, live on purpose. Indeed that should be the hallmark of our lives. Center your life around God’s purpose for you. If its singing, be THE SINGER, if its entreprenur, be THE ENTREPRENUR, whatever it is, give it your best shot and in no time would you become the next celebrity.

Your purpose is not insignificant. Every purpose matters. You may not be the best muscician, but you can be the best in what you are created for. Wake up! The world needs you, dont deprive the world of your gift. Dont! Dont!! Dont!!! Yes the world needs you and no person in the world, can imagine a world without you…None…You are super important, simply discover your place and settle there. God bless you!

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